Top 10 Intimidating books!
1. The Game of Thrones Series: Everyone loves them, everyone loves the show, I am scared out of my mind to start because I know I will become an addict to the series.
2. The Dresden Files Series: Was once an addict, then college got in the way. I am always nervous to see the books on my shelf because I know I will get sucked back in instantly.
3. Any Stephen King.
4. Any Dan Brown.
5. Twilight scares the shit out of me because I did not like it and almost got punched by a girl for my opinion.
6. In a more general sense, anything with a lot of hype... I am always scared I will not see what others see.
7. This one is not from me, but I have a friend intimidated by the amount of fans of John Green. She refuses to pick up a book of his at the moment because of it.
8. Anything being made into a movie or TV show, because I might love the book then hate the media presented.
9. When I was in middle school the Lord of the Rings... I had big hard back copies of the series that scared me to death. They were huge. But mom got me paperback movie cover ones and I read them all in a month.
10. Anything that someone tells me I need to read. I am always scared I will not have the epic reading experience that they had and then be let down.
What are your Top 10? Make your list and link to The Broke and Bookish!
My whole post this week is about your no.10...